, pub-8328733351063344, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Easter Eggers | egg well farm
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Easter Eggers

Easter Eggers

$7.00 Regular Price
$5.00Sale Price

Easter Egger chickens are not actually a breed all their own. Rather, Easter Eggers are defined as any chicken that carries the “blue egg” gene but does not conform to any breed standards specified by the American Poultry Association. Usually they are mixed-breed birds that have some traces of the blue egg-laying Araucana or Ameraucana breeds in their ancestry. As a hybrid variety, these chickens come in a whole range of colors and patterns, making it easy for you to tell the individuals of your flock apart.m a product description. 250 eggsEaster eggers may lay anything from pale pink through to a dark brown, olive, green or blue colored egg. It is also called the Rainbow layer because of the variety of egg colors possible, they can lay around 250 eggs per year

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